Writing on photography

Transparency and Copyright


As I’m very conscious of the often opaque and sometimes downright dubious relationships which can develop between critics and the artists and organisations they critique, I now list at the end of reviews anything which I think might be considered a conflict of interest. This includes whether the reviewed book was a free review copy or whether I paid for it myself, and whether I saw an exhibition at a press private preview or during public opening hours. Providing this information isn’t by any means a requirement of operating as a critic in the United Kingdom, but I think audiences should be aware that these sometimes rather unhealthy relationships do exist, that awareness of this should frame how you approach a critic’s reviews, and openness about them should be an important part of undertaking this type of writing.

Unless otherwise noted, all writing on this site is copyright Lewis Bush. Please don’t repost articles in their entirety without my written permission (short extracts, e.g. no more than a paragraph, are fine provided they include a link back to the original piece). I am happy to discuss offers of commissions or the syndication of posts on other sites, if you want to discuss this please get in touch through my primary website. All images are copyright the credited photographer or organisation and is used with permission. Where I occasionally use copyrighted visual material here without permission I do so under Article 5 (3) of the European Union’s copyright directive which provides for an exception to copyright law for the purposes of criticism or review, provided the source or author is identified where that information is available. Where I haven’t listed an author it’s because I have been unable to find one. Please do not assume that because something is posted here it is in the public domain and is free to reuse.

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Writing on photography